Setting Up an OpenID Server with phpMyID

Sam Ruby’s “OpenID for non-SuperUsers” distills the process of setting up one’s own OpenID server with phpMyID in such a clear and concise manner, that I couldn’t help but implement it myself. I’ve taken his instructions, and turned them into a cut and past operation for anyone whose website is hosted on a server with access to Subversion. When you’re finished, you’ll be the proud owner of a bleeding-edge OpenID server running at

To begin, SSH into your server, and change to the document root of your website. For example:

cd ~/web/public/

Then run the following (very long) command:

clear;mkdir ./open_id/;cd ./open_id/;read -p "Username: " USER;read -sp "Password: " PASS;echo;echo "Loading up the Files from the remote repository:";echo "t" > ./temp_file_to_accept_cert_non-interactively;svn export -q < ./temp_file_to_accept_cert_non-interactively > /dev/null 2>&1;echo 'Success.';echo 'The username and password you entered will be used to configure the OpenID server:';HASH=`echo -n "$USER:phpMyID:$PASS" | openssl md5`;NICE="\$new='\$profile=array(\"auth_username\"=>\"$USER\",\"auth_password\"=>\"$HASH\");';if (/^\#\\\$profile/) { \$_ = \$new; }";perl -pi.bak -e "$NICE" MyID.php;USER='';PASS='';mv MyID.php index.php;rm temp_file_to_accept_cert_non-interactively;rm MyID.php.bak;echo 'Success.';

You’ll be prompted for a username, and a password. Enter each in turn, and then sit back and relax while the script runs.

That’s it!

Next Steps

Once you’ve got the server installed correctly, test it out. Then head back over to Sam’s article to set up a clean delegation to your server from your main blog or homepage URL. You’ll have to edit your site’s template a bit, which isn’t something I can write a generic script for. But it’s easy, so you’ll do fine without me.
