Answers to Common Technical Interview Questions

In an effort to convince myself that I really do know what I’m doing with this “web” thing, I’ve walked through some of the example interview questions from the articles I mentioned yesterday. A few were simply inapplicable to the work I’d be doing, but actually doing the few minutes of work for the questions that matter is so much more worthwhile than simply looking at them and thinking “Yup. I could do that.” I’m posting JavaScript implementations and explanations here in the hopes that someone out there is in a similar position and could use the help, or that a genius passing through will point out some silly mistake or cool optimization I missed. So, here goes:

  1. Write a function to return the Nth Fibonacci number: This is the quintessential recursion problem. Even though the recursive implementation is O(2n), it’s almost certainly the answer your interviewer is looking for. Here’s one way of writing it:

    function fib(n) {
        return (n <= 1)?n:fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

    Easy, right? The Nth number is either the number itself (if it’s 0 or 1), or the sum of the previous two numbers. Recursion is built right into the definition, no need to look farther afield for a “correct” answer.

    But in a technical interview, this is almost certainly the beginning of a larger question: how do we make this computation fast? Recursion, though applicable here, is simply a slow way to calculate the values because it’s doing just that: calculating every value for fib(n-1), over and over again. We can vastly improve the code’s performance by caching results as we calculate them in an iterative fashion, for example:

    function fib(n) {
        var cache   = [];
        cache[0]    = 0;
        cache[1]    = cache[2]  = 1;
        for (var i=3; i<=n; i++) {
            cache[i] = cache[i-2] + cache[i-1];
        return cache[n];

    This runs in something closer to O(n): the number of calculations increases linearly, a huge improvement over the recursive version’s exponential explosion.

  2. Print out a multiplication table, up to 12x12: Do you understand for loops? Have you heard of printf? Good, because that’s about all that this question tests. JavaScript, unfortunately, has no native printf function to pad out the results is probably a more interesting test than the question itself…

        function mult_table() {
            var theString = "";
            for (var i=1;i<13;i++) {
                for (var j=1;j<13;j++) {
                    theString += pad(i*j, 4);
                theString += "\n";
            return theString;
            function pad(str, len) {
                var padding = (arguments[2] == "0" || arguments[2])?arguments[2]:" ";
                str = str.toString();
                while (str.length < len) {
                    str = padding + str;
                return str;

    The mult_table function is trivial: two for loops, one nested inside the other, to calculate 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, …, 12x12. The pad function takes the answer that was calculated, and pads it out to a certain length, using either “ “, or the third argument (if one was provided).

  3. Print all the odd numbers from 1 to N: Again, this is a fairly simple question with a fairly predictable answer. Happily, we’re able to reuse the pad function we just wrote to make the string prettier:

    function print_odds() {
        var theString = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            if (i & 1) {
                theString += pad(i.toString(), 3);
        return theString;

    The only bit of trickery I’ve thrown into this implementation is the if condition, which eschews the typical (i % 2 == 1) test for the more esoteric bitwise and: “&”. In a nutshell, we can use and in this case to determine if the “ones” bit of a number is set, meaning that it’s odd (if you’re not up on binary, take a look at Dave Stewart’s great article “Get a Speed Boost from the Bitwise Operator”). That’s a bit faster than using modulus, though for a problem like this it’s barely noticeable.

  4. Determine how many bits are “on” in a given integer: Continuing with the bitwise theme, an answer to this question is to use bitwise and to act as a filter for our integer:

    function howManyBits(num) {
        var numBits = 0,
            i       = 1,
            theAnd  = Math.pow(2, i);
        do {
            numBits += (num & theAnd)?1:0;
            theAnd  = Math.pow(2, ++i)
        } while (theAnd <= num);
        return numBits;

    We generate a test value with a single bit “on” by exploiting the fact that binary numbers with a single bit set are all powers of two (e.g. 00000001 = 1, 00000010 = 2, 00000100 = 4, etc.). We’ll simply generate filters until we’ve exceeded our number, and use each filter to test a single bit. This is an easy solution, but I can’t help but think that there must be a better way to do this…

  5. Find the largest value in an array of integers: There’s not a straightforward way to do this without looking at each of the values in the array, so the easy solution (which is O(n)) is probably the best. The only ‘trick’ is that you can skip evaluation of the first item in the array by using it as the initial value for max. Otherwise, the code is very easy to sift through:

    function largest_int(theArray) {
        var max = theArray[0];
        for (var i=1;i<theArray.length;i++) {
            if (theArray[i] > max) {
                max = theArray[i];
        return max;
  6. Implement binary search: This question simply tests whether or not you were paying attention in class when your prof waxed poetic about the virtues of O(n log(n)) search algorithms. The basic premise of a binary search is this: given a sorted array, a particular value can be found by starting in the middle. If the sought-after value is greater than the middle value, look in the middle of the second half of the array. If it’s less, look in the middle of the first half of the array. This question, therefore, is both testing your general knowledge of common algorithms, but also sneakily getting at your recursive chops as well:

    function binary_search(needle, haystack) {
        return binary_search_helper(needle, haystack, 0, haystack.length-1);
        function binary_search_helper(needle, haystack, top, bottom) {
            var middle = Math.floor((bottom + top)/2);
            if (top > bottom) { return -1; }
                if (haystack[middle] > needle) {
                    return binary_search_helper(needle, haystack, top, middle-1);
                } else if (haystack[middle] < needle) {
                    return binary_search_helper(needle, haystack, middle+1, bottom);
                } else {
                    return middle;
  7. Implement atoi and itoa: Ok, honestly? I had to look up what atoi and itoa meant. This probably means that I’m completely disqualified from a C++ programming position. That said, I’m not interviewing for C++, so hopefully that won’t be a terrible strike against me. The point, of course, is not just to test whether you know C++ vocabulary, but also whether you can implement something like .toString for integers in a reasonable way. The “trick” here is to understand that each characters has a numerical code associated with it, and that each number character’s code is defined to be one more than the previous number character’s code. In other words, if you calculate the character code for “0”, you can simply subtract that from any other number’s code to convert the character to an integer. So, '8'.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0) gets you the integer 8. All you have to do is multiply that by the relevant power of 10, and you’ve got yourself an integer:

    function atoi(str) {
        var cur     = 0;
        var sign    = 1;
        var value   = 0;
        var zero    = '0'.charCodeAt(0);
        var nine    = '9'.charCodeAt(0);
        switch (str[0]) {
            case "-":
                sign = -1;
            case "+":
                sign = 1;
        while (
            (cur < str.length) &&
            (str.charCodeAt(cur) >= zero && str.charCodeAt(cur) <= nine)
        ) {
            value = (value * 10) + (str.charCodeAt(cur++) - zero);
        return sign * value;

    The same idea, of course, applies in reverse. Adding an integer to zero’s character code gives you the character code for that integer’s character, and a simple call to String.fromCharCode gets you the relevant character itself.

    function itoa(num) {
        var cur     = 1;
        var sign    = (num < 0)?-1:1;
        var str     = "";
        var zero    = '0'.charCodeAt(0);
        while (num) {
            str     = String.fromCharCode((num % 10)+zero)+str;
            num     = Math.floor(num/10);
        return str;
  8. Reverse a string (in place?): Ah, strings. How exciting. Reversing a string is, of course, trivial in JavaScript (.reverse(), anyone?), but that, of course, is probably not really the answer your interviewer is looking for. “Ha, ha.”, she’ll say, “Now tell me how .reverse() works.”

    The critical piece of information you need here is the ability to get at particular characters within a string, in order. Of secondary importance is enough understanding of the algorithm to know when to stop reversing, lest you inadvertently re-reverse the string before returning.

    function reverse_string(thestring) {
        var len     = thestring.length,
            last    = len-1,
            middle  = parseInt(len/2),
            newStr  = new Array();
        for (var i = 0; i < middle; i++) {
            newStr[last-i]  = thestring[i];
            newStr[i]       = thestring[last-i];
        return newStr.join('');

    My initial pass at the solution didn’t use the newStr buffer array, instead opting for a temp variable to facilitate a direct swap between thestring[i] and thestring[last-i], but it seems that the array representation of a string in JavaScript is somehow distinct from the string itself. I need to play around with this a little more, because I don’t really understand that result (This is what happens when you spend your life using regular expressions to do every string manipulation you ever need). In case you have some good ideas, here was my initial stab at things:

    function reverse_string(thestring) {
        var len     = thestring.length,
            last    = len-1,
            middle  = parseInt(len/2);
        for (var i = 0; i < middle; i++) {
            var temp            = thestring[i];
            thestring[i]        = thestring[last-i];
            thestring[last-i]   = temp;
        return thestring;

These questions are all pretty straightforward evaluations that would probably be appropriate for a phone interview. I’d expect questions in a real, live technical interview to be a little deeper, and a little more impossible to “correctly” solve off the top of your head. I’ll be sifting through a few of the puzzles at techInterview in a valiant attempt to get my brain wrapped around itself in such a way as to make the “Ah ha!” moments for puzzles like Switches. Joel Spolsky’s article I linked yesterday also has good advice for the “impossible questions” interviewers seem to love.

So. How about you? What are your “critical” interview questions, what information do they look for, and how would you answer them?